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Ouverture d’un nouveau cabinet médical aux USA, en Floride, Century Primary Care in West Palm Beach, Florida

century Primary Care Opening in West Palm Beach

Dr. Fabien Mathieu DC has been a leading speaker and practitioner in the field of Chiropractic Medicine in France for over 25 years. However, his business growth opportunities have been hampered due to French restrictions on chiropractors’ ability to diversify services. Establishing a practice in Florida, Century Primary Care clinic, presents an opportunity to develop a broader scope of services aligned with continued pursuit of knowledge in the fields of anti-aging, men’s health, pain management, weight loss, stem cell treatments, and other wellness treatments.
Dr. Fabien Mathieu DC, is a leader in the field of Chiropractic and a successful entrepreneur who has built high profile practices in chiropractic treatments, coaching, weight loss, and seminars for chiropractic professionals. He is a certified expert in posture, weight loss, and anti-aging practices that have been recognized by international agencies. He has delivered lectures at important industry conferences at the Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) and Spanish Society of Anti-Aging & Aesthetic & Longevity Medicine Congress (SEMAL).

His work has been recognized by chiropractic industry publications for his innovations and entrepreneurial abilities. He has the vision to lead Century Primary Care company and the reputation needed to attract outstanding professionals to join his team.

Also, he has been approached by Pritikin Longevity Center, the largest medical spa resort in Florida, in Doral Miami.


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Doctor of Chiropractic USA – University LCCW California
Chiropractor in Dijon, France, since 1996 at Centre LEVEL and creation of an integrative medical center in the USA since 2020:

Graduated “Doctor of Chiropractic” University LCCW California USA
Florida State Board of Chiropractic Medicine Licensee
Certified Weight Loss and Anti-Aging Practitioner
Certified Posture Expert
Certified Ergonomics Expert
Member of WOSIAM, A4M and API

FR Tel. + 336.

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